What you considered to be a small amount of drugs can result in a seriously severe sentence if a judge is inclined to believe that you need it.
- Possession Of Drugs – Criminal Defense Atlanta
When someone is found to have committed a delinquent act that would have been charged a criminal offense, he or she can potentially receive the following penalties (according to O.C.G.A. §15-11-66
Juvenile Possession of Drugs Atlanta

Many are not fully aware of the magnitude of their actions and don’t deserve tough sentences. Some even have learning disabilities and impulse control problems like A.D.HD. or A.D.D. and really just need medication or a good therapist. It is not unusual for sentencing to include counseling, detention in a facility.
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Georgia Drug Possession Laws

Schedule I
drugs are considered the most highly addictive with no legitimate medical use. They include heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and GHB.
Schedule II
Also highly addictive,

Schedule II drugs include methamphetamine, cocaine, crack cocaine, morphine, opium, and methadone.

Schedule III
drugs in this category include steroids like testosterone and ketamine.

Schedule IV, V, and VI
These are substances that are sometimes prescribed by physicians for a variety of issues. When taken outside of the orders of a doctor, they are considered illegal.


What you considered to be a small amount of drugs can result in a seriously severe sentence if a judge is inclined to believe that you need it.
- Possession Of Drugs – Criminal Defense Atlanta
When someone is found to have committed a delinquent act that would have been charged a criminal offense, he or she can potentially receive the following penalties (according to O.C.G.A. §15-11-66
Juvenile Possession of Drugs Atlanta

Many are not fully aware of the magnitude of their actions and don’t deserve tough sentences. Some even have learning disabilities and impulse control problems like A.D.HD. or A.D.D. and really just need medication or a good therapist. It is not unusual for sentencing to include counseling, detention in a facility.
I offer a free case evaluation please go to the page and provide me with the information about your case so I can help you
Georgia Drug Possession Laws

Schedule I
drugs are considered the most highly addictive with no legitimate medical use. They include heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and GHB.
Schedule II
Also highly addictive,

Schedule II drugs include methamphetamine, cocaine, crack cocaine, morphine, opium, and methadone.

Schedule III
drugs in this category include steroids like testosterone and ketamine.

Schedule IV, V, and VI
These are substances that are sometimes prescribed by physicians for a variety of issues. When taken outside of the orders of a doctor, they are considered illegal.